Monday, July 30, 2007

Rediscover Sedaris

me talk pretty one day by David Sedaris - bookcoverWhen I took this book off of the shelves in Barns&Noble, it wasnt becuz of Sedaris, I had no clue about him nor his writing whatsoever, I did because the cover design. As a graphic designer, I find myself buying books (or about anything) way too often based on whether or not the covers look good. Sometimes I get lucky, sometimes I waste money.
I read this book two thirds of the way through and decided that it was a waste of money. It was simply too mellow and too slow for me to even breathe. Now, I normally try hard to finish a book before starting another one, if I had to stop in the middle, it’s pretty bad.
After this book was forgotten for almost a year, I one day over my oatmeal at breakfast started reading a random paragraph in a recently issue of the New Yorker, ..very charming writing, I made a note to come back to it the next morning, um.. witty, I finally was curious enough to start the article from the beginning and found out it was Sedaris. (This Old House by David Sedaris, the New Yorker July 9 & 16 2007, p42-47). Turn out, his writing is like old wine, if you gulp it down like beer it gets a little dry, the only way to enjoy its flavor to the fullest is to savor one glass at a time. So I dug it out and savored the rest of it.

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