Friday, January 15, 2010

Bye, grandma.

grandma passed away
These huge paper things are made out of many little pieces of colored paper and paper flowers, glued onto a frame that's made out of bamboo sticks. In China, when people pass away, relatives and friends of the family would send these to show condolence. They are normally too big to go indoors so often left near the entrance of the apartment building and would make a scene in the community. Until the day of burial or cremation they'll be brought to the mortuary and be burnt. In her 93 years of life, grandma had earned respect and love from many many people. Barely 5 feet tall and with feet that's almost only the size of infants, she'd walked a long hard journey, and touched all of our hearts with courage and kindness. Bye bye grandma, you'll always be in my heart.

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