Tuesday, July 31, 2007

My Coffee Need

As I am sitting in the office missing my morning cup of coffee, I suddenly realized that the need is not simply just for caffeine, it’s the need for something to do while sitting in front of my computer working, it’s boredom, it’s more psychological than physical. Now, I know I have a history of seeking comfort in food, mostly during my college years, stress would be the thing that made me raid the fridge in the middle of the night, a few hours before a project due with hardly any of the work done.. boredom is a new one for me. I wonder if it’s developed with any 9 to 5 type of job or just my job?

Monday, July 30, 2007

Rediscover Sedaris

me talk pretty one day by David Sedaris - bookcoverWhen I took this book off of the shelves in Barns&Noble, it wasnt becuz of Sedaris, I had no clue about him nor his writing whatsoever, I did because the cover design. As a graphic designer, I find myself buying books (or about anything) way too often based on whether or not the covers look good. Sometimes I get lucky, sometimes I waste money.
I read this book two thirds of the way through and decided that it was a waste of money. It was simply too mellow and too slow for me to even breathe. Now, I normally try hard to finish a book before starting another one, if I had to stop in the middle, it’s pretty bad.
After this book was forgotten for almost a year, I one day over my oatmeal at breakfast started reading a random paragraph in a recently issue of the New Yorker, ..very charming writing, I made a note to come back to it the next morning, um.. witty, I finally was curious enough to start the article from the beginning and found out it was Sedaris. (This Old House by David Sedaris, the New Yorker July 9 & 16 2007, p42-47). Turn out, his writing is like old wine, if you gulp it down like beer it gets a little dry, the only way to enjoy its flavor to the fullest is to savor one glass at a time. So I dug it out and savored the rest of it.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Done Reading

bookcoverLet’s face it, truth is funny. “I don’t know why I lie but I just do it without thinking. It’s a thing I got from my mom.” - Christina Smith. Damn funny if you have a mother like ours. The book of Dave Eggers is full of those moments, consciousness piercing through consciousness. If you laugh cuz you recognize yourself in his story, you’re smart (staggering genius if you like), if you don’t, you’re lucky.

Friday, July 13, 2007


No matter how the world has changed for the humans, it is still primitive for wild animals like rabbits. They worry about living eating and breeding, instead of money, losing weight, or iphones. They are very much depended on their intuition like their ancestors from the beginning. But we, the humans, have gotten a lot more complicated, gained a lot of smarts, lost some wisdom. Albert Einstein said “The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.” If I should only learn one thing from the book Watership Down it is to stay in touch with my intuition as a living being.

Friday, July 6, 2007

i want i want i want

found @Hester Slaman

How long?

How long before you think you’d go out of your mind traveling in space? The first 50 mins or 5 hours or 5 days even might be fun what about the 5th month 5th year? Cuz it’s scary out there if you really think about it, you’d be traveling for lightYEARs before you get to stop at a random planet in the middle of nowhere and take a bathroom break and stretch your legs and I doubt there’s gonna be a 7-eleven for you to refill your big gulp cup. How much comfort we actually take from having a piece of seemingly stable ground under our feet that provides sense of security psychologically? A lot. Even though we don’t always realize it, not until you imagine yourself seriously asking the question “are we there yet?” in the pitch black endless space.

Thursday, July 5, 2007


"Strength without sweetness is nothing at all."
- Homework by Helen Simpson, New Yorker June 25, 2007)

Monday, July 2, 2007

like my new look?

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